Why, that's correct!
Urban Cross Country Skiing. In June.
I do not lie:
I met one of these (urban) outdoor enthusiasts while coming out of class today. He was rollin' along, down Vassar Street, right next to campus, and havin' a grand ole time. I couldn't help but stare.
But then again, oddities abound here at MIT. For example, I heard a warbled version of Queen's "Somebody to Love" blasting along the hallway of the dorm this evening while I was trying to do my Calc P-set, and upon investigating the source, I discovered no less than a dozen college students (T.A.'s, mind you, not us baby prefrosh) watching Happy Feet. Yes, that's the Disney movie about the penguins. Today I also learned why one shouldn't respond when some person asks for for the time on a random Boston street, thanks to a demonstration from a nice visiting police officer. I also met a guy with an awesome Chicago accent--on a mission from Gad, no less. I ate tofu without realizing it, I bought Chex Mix from the student center solely because it was free on the OME's bill, I learned the way to look at the buildings in the Infinite so their numbering actually makes sense, and I got annoyed with a gaggle of tourists blocking the walkway. I think I'm adjusting. Now about that essay that's due on Monday...
I've talked to other members of the class of '08 from Northern Garrett via our collective friends "the Internets," and it seems like they're all in or nearly in the throes of Orientation, summer work, etc. Best of luck to y'alls, and keep me posted! Kollege is phun. We lern good their.
Well, I really must dash--or trudge, more like--in order to read some required essays, get some sleep, and get up at the bright, shining hour of 10 to go into Boston for a tour of the Science Center. One of the OME's "Mandatory Fun" activities. Glad to know they have our best interests at heart.
"Those who dwell, as scientists or laymen, among the beauties and mysteries of the earth, are never alone or weary of life." ~Rachel Carson
Well worth the bandwidth.