Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hubris: the Ride

Only brushed upon in past entries, I feel I must further elaborate on that "East Campus wooden roller coaster" that I mentioned in passing. It happened during Rush, and it happened in East Campus.


It was called Hubris: the Ride, meant to incur the wrath of Gods. It came complete with mural depicting EC set on fire as punishment for building such a shine to the Physics Gods.

I am proud to say I helped construct it, at least in its later stages (read as: closer to the date where the housing administration said to have that junk heap out of sight). The explanation behind the overwhelming appearance of Red Bull cans is that the East Campus kids, industrious blighters that they are, approached RB and asked them for a sponsorship. Red Bull said, hell no, we're not putting our name on your elaborate death machine, but here's 5 free cases of Red Bull instead. So their contribution WAS integral, just non-transferrable. So in order to prove that it was NOT a death machine, they sent the one and only guy to try it down with a can in hand. Yay, irony!
More explanation: I know the guy quaterstaff fighting the green-haired girl with a 2x2. He's got a hat. He's a neat guy.
More MORE explanation: The fireball at the end is when they decided a randomly-selected teddy bear might enjoy a ride... But the friction! We need some material as a heat-sink. Let's try LIGHTER FLUID! (Which led to, "Whoops, I spilled some on the cart! Whoops, I'm dousing some on the cart!) *

After that run, it was dismantled via crowbars, recip saws, drills, sledgehammers, and body parts that though they were much harder than they actually were, and put in a big pile by the volleyball courts. Its Dark materials live on, since many people scavenged this lumber and made sleeping lofts and tables.

Adeiu, Hubris.**

*(Note to Red Bull Corp.: Fully specialized and trained firefighting technicians, AKA, some juniors from EC, were standing by at all times with fire exsanguinators. Worry not. Please send free stuff.)

**This is an oxymoron. Don't get excited, I spotted it.