A. Knowing you won't get this kind of sleep again for at least 4 months.
B. Finally getting "the cross" on the first layer of a Rubik's Cube.
C. MIT ID's TOMORROW!!! WOOT WOOT and all that, what what...
D. Being able to look back on Interphase and see it for the good, not for the extra 20 kilos of notes it added to the load I had to drag from Next House to Senior House yesterday...
The answer: X. ALL OF THE ABOVE.
Last night was the final banquet for Project Interphase 2008. I had spent the day waking up from the last totally refreshing and rejuvenating sleep to be had in Next House, packing up last-minute paraphernalia, keeping textbooks separate in order to turn them in to the TSR Office in time, waiting two hours for the carts that were never brought back, agonizing over the amazing amount of junk I had accumulated over the last three months, helping Alex G. move into Simmons and thus securing a Simmons cart, realizing I had five minutes left to turn in textbooks before I was charged for them, loaded the cart using the laws of physics ("The coefficient of friction between the trash bags is too small!" "The momentum will cause them to slip!" "What will we do?" "Got any duct tape?" Two voices: "I DO!!!"), and finally made the long, sweaty trek from the Easternmost dorm on campus (Next) to the Westernmost dorm on campus (Senior) with a LOT of help from our friends. After a quick stop at Quizno's in Technology Square, we returned the cart to Simmons, where I nonchalantly checked my email. The stern message about how unreturned textbooks will be billed to YOU reminded me: I hadn't turned my books in. It was 1.5 hrs. past the designated interval. Holey pocketbook, Batman! (Get the pun? No? Darn...)
In the end, I was able to drop them off at the OME and not pay, which meant I had four hours before the Interphase Final Banquet. I killed time by reading Hitchhiker's, which turned into a nap, which turned into
It's quite a different atmosphere, now that Interphase is over and we're all scattered to the winds. Lots of people went home, while the rest of us are temped in literally a combination of every dorm on campus. It adds a new dimension, since the question of "meet at my dorm or your's" never came up when we were conglomerated at Next. New excitements, indeed...
And speaking of excitements, Orientation doth quickly apporacheth! We're looking forward to the insane amount of fun that Orientation entails, but not so much to being told "This is where we eat lunch! This is how to use Athena!" Sorry to break up the tour, but we've been living this way for SEVEN WEEKS. The mundane will undoubtedly be overridden by the gloriously insane fun that awaits, however.
Well, cheers, hope things are fun at home! Enjoy the fair, as I'm sure folks are doing as the ALWAYS do without fail, and be thankful for sweet corn. I miss sweet corn...
And now for something completely (not so) different: More funnies!
And last but not least...