To the right: Feel the Overload...
So I'm gearing up for three solid weeks of what we call HELLWEEKS--times where exams on top of p-sets on top of reading on top of studying on top of sleep on top of whatever extracurriculars one has take precedence. In case you're not a course 18 major, that's a lot of precedence. In order to describe my life in brevity, I'm dubbing it the collective HELLWEEK PENDING, all rolled into one giant mass of Awful with the vector Suicide pointing in direction Me. This will most likely be the only post, therefore, for quite some time, hence the Parts I, II, and III.
Let's get at 'em, then...
This past weekend has served somewhat as a calm before a storm, in that we had a Monday off for Columbus Day/Suicide Prevention Day. It was also coincidentally Thanksgiving in Canada, so we decided to have a Thanksgiving Hall Feed for the one Canadian who lives on our hall. I wish somethin' fierce that I had pictures, but alas, I have no picture-taking device, so my glorious narrative will have to suffice! (Crowd of children: Hooray!) The cast: 4th Ware residents fulfilling various roles, as we first held a Canadian Thanksgiving Pageant, then eating, as we secondly held forks to our mouths.
The Pageant begins--AKA we storm into the room where people are playing board games and the Canadian is working on homework. She had no clue of any of this, by the way...:
Xiao Xiao (as Narrator)- The year is 1872 in a magical land called "Canada."
Audience- OOOHHH, Canada! (It's cold...)
Xiao Xiao- The prince of Wales has fallen awfully sick. With....Liz.
Justin (as prince of Wales, bedecked in top hat adorned with pink ribbon) and Liz (as the Sickness) enter. Justin groans. Liz sort of leeches on him and dances about. (Whoops, excuse my dialect. Aboot.)
X_X- The people of Canada are worried...
Audience (catching on)- Oh, no!
X_X- and Parliament is very sad.
Parliament (Scott, Jesse, and Me)- *Tear!*
X_X- But then... (Points finger/gun) BANG! BANG! (Sickness falls dead, Justin straightens up) The Prince got better!
Everyone- YAY!!!
X_X- Then Parliament decided that because the prince was better...
Me- We'll have a national day of Thanksgiving! EVERYBODY CELEBRATE!
X_X- And ever since, each year the Parliament tells Canadians what to be thankful for! The End!
Everyone- LET'S EAT!!!
And so ended the saga of Canadian Thanksgiving. I had a merry trek to Shaw's, the nearest grocery store, beforehand, and we had turkey burgers on bread (we're on a college budget/timetable, give us a break), gravy, some miraculous mashed potatoes with fresh parsley and cheese, maple cornbread, and some fabulous apple pie afterwards, supplied by Liz and chosen solely to be ironic... Our floor is that much fatter and closer because of it.
In other news, the election draws closer! With the intent of not spending my night on here griping about one well-learned politesse or another (if you get that song reference, you rock. And need a life), I will remain undeclared, but if you want one flamer of a politics blog, my friend and hall-mate Erik Fogg runs a great one:
He loves readers, and not just on toast with jam.
Have yourselves merry little autumns, and talk to you when Hellweek's over!
Viva la Senior Haus!