FREEDOM! says Aretha Franklin.
Oh, sweet day! Oh, Glorious day! Oh joyous, wondrous, blessed day!
That was Saturday afternoon.
It is now Monday evening, and we have only recently been left free from the grasp of "training." Or, as we like to call it, "innodation."
Let me begin at the beginning (a very good place to start):
Last week was finals, and let that serve as excuse enough for why I haven't posted in eons. An in-class essay in Humanities, then Calc (auuch), Chem (ONLY one I really concentrated on), and Physics (Hail to the Gods of Partial Credit!). So, naturally, since finals marked the end of all things and the last one was over at noon on Saturday, the exhaultation was tremendous. Big plans were made, excursions into Boston were taken, Shaymus and Bethany and I went on an ice cream quest, and Fun was Had overall. I even got a chance to visit my Aunt and Uncle who live in nearby Weston, since the time was nonexistant before (thanks again for the couscous and goodies!), and the miraculous day was topped off by a jovial game of Patrol. Sunday,
On the overall schedule, an event was cryptically listed from the beginning only as "training" to follow finals. Earlier in the week we had been given surveys that were, to be blunt, bizarre. There were no questions, simply an order to "rank" certain phrases. The phrases ranged from "I like to be challenged" to "It's okay to torture a person to death." Macabre, right? But the kicker is this: we arrive bright and early today for this "training," and it turns out they had hired some motivational speaker who had interpretted our ranked feelings on torture, studying, bombing buildings, time management and the like (is there even a "like"?) to show whether we had enough self-esteem and practical thinking. The guy was an ex-NFL player, someone undoubtedly near and dear to the hearts of the football enthusiasts of MIT Interphase (*cough*). Not only did he offer NO scientific explanation for how ranking crop failure as worse than natural disasters realted to my work abilities, but he jumped into his whole speal about how YOU can be proactive and change YOUR lifestyle for SUCCESS, based on what the paper told you about the way you think. I called it as B.S. early on, but some people adopted the same mentality as circusgoers at the fortune-teller's booth: "Ooh, look! It says I don't empathize well with people. That's so true! I threw a rock at my brother once!" He then proceeded, this Dr. Phil of a football player, to pick students out of the audience and dissect their "profile," identifying them as perfectionists, hard workers, or self-driven people in turn. WELL, DUH. This might be news at a community college somewhere, but...YEAH! This chicanery lasted from NINE to THREE, with a break for lunch which we were begrudingly allowed. Innodation, I tell you.
So the end of my tirade is this: no matter how high you score, how well you perform, or how far you run, motivational speakers will follow you. Might as well give up now. I know we have to troop back out to play "physical team games" tomorrow, same time, same duration, and I'm sure same crock of nonsense. The only strength the motivationees have lies in the "feedback form." If I had written mine any hotter, it would need asbestos paper to convey the sentiment. Most people, however, are lazy, and in order to fend off the self-righteous motivation speaker, will glibly write, "Sure, yeah, changed my life, thank you much." Come on, people! Complaining is just as much fun on paper, you know!
Humph. Thanks for the vent through which I expunge the Bad Thoughts. Your patient virtual ears are not unappreciated...
In other news, well, yes, the Olypmics are exciting. I'm in love with a guy named Douglas Adams.
Well, now that this post is insanely lone, I still have dinner to get, errand to run, series to read, and Cubes to solve, and I'm sure you have supper to fetch, beavers to skin, tattos to select, iron to send through the Bessemer process, the meaning of life to discover, Python skits to memorize, Parapeligics to date, and tobacco to weed, I'll let you go. (50 points if you find the link of relevance between any two of those items. A fabulous vacation to the luxurious Loony Bin Resort if you followed it all.) Pip pip!
Last but not least, a funny: