I'm rather happy with my arrangement for the Spring: mostly excellent classes, AKA ones that involve hands-on building rather than sitting in a lecture hall talking about building.
See my schedule...
As you can see, Mondays are even more hellacious than they are normally wont to be due to their unfortunate timing in the workweek. Due to MIT holidays and calendar recalculations, however, we got to have this Monday off. But nay, should we miss those dear, dear classes (*cough*18.02 Recitation *Clutch stomach and groan*), we got to pretend Tuesday was Monday and run around with no viable excuse of a crazy weekend to explain away how miserable we were. Y ahora, es diez y media, y se termina. Ay.
What is new? Then again, what is old? What is time, and who are we to say...?
IAP passed like happiness in the form of a warm gun, leaving fond memories but even more unfinished business. I've still got lots-o-SolidWorking to do, and still have to finish that mill cover. I've also, at the coniving peer pressure of my friend Wilheim, become addicted to the cancelled TV show "Firefly," which holds its own in the inexorably unique genre of "Space Western." Made by the same folk who made Dr. Horrible, the thing I enjoy abou it the most is that its universe is so complete and so well-drawn that I can look at Nathan Fillion (also of Dr. Horrible fame) and NOT think "This is not the hammer." Now to rid someone's mind of that classic buffoon moment is sheer acting ability.
Unfortunately, only the good die young, and the show was pulled off-air after only 10 episodes because of silly Producer Primadonnery. It only reached such cult status after it came out on DVD and has been hailed as the one of the best cancelled TV shows in Sci-Fi history. Here's to you, Serenity...
In other news, things here on campus are all affrighted and a-fightin', both on the dorm and school-wide level.
Senior Haus is having a hell of a time planning for Steer Roast this year because of some of the raccuous celebrations of some random wankers who gate-crashed last year. Steer Roast, for those not yet converted to the Ways of the Haus, is the largest alumni event at MIT, where not only Senior Haus alumni but East Campus and overall interesting crusty ole alums pack the SH courtyard for a 3-day long picnic, music fest, and relaxation to the nth degree. However, some humorless dean types seem to think that the glory that is Steer Roast should not happen this year, for aforementioned reasons. The Haus officers have been working since November to draw up documents and references and policies and tracts (and preserve the SH way of maintaining no constitution, a feeble means of self-governance that other dorms cling to) to show that we are Nice Boys and Girls, but the battle continues on, and planning must begin months in advance for such a huge event. It must happen, or certain Senior folk will be most upset. Upset enough to not contribute when they're big and rich and famous.
(By the way, I think I might become secr
Outside of the Haus (there's an outside?), there has been a big debate--well, more of a
I hope they don't make us waste money on disgusting dinners 3 times a week. I lurve me cooking...
Well, I best be goin and a-doin me Spanish. Still gotta find a textbook. Es nesecario....para manana...
Gracias y hasta luego!
Y entonces, una gaciosa...