Friday, May 30, 2008

So it begins...

In two days, my high school experience will be over (I said OVER, not complete), I will have graduated from Northern Garrett High School, and I will have approximately 20 days before I leave for a summer program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Hence the title: the main component of the 'Tvte's campus is the Infinite Corridor, which, needless to extemporize upon, is very long. And scary.
Join me on my quest to destroy the One Ring, if that One Ring was the ringing silence of bored ignorance, and the corresponding quest was a crazy journey of four years' worth of p-sets, labs, and other standard college anomalies. We'll have some fun, post some pretty pictures, crack the occasional lame nerd joke (Why did the Arctic bear dissolve in water? Because it was Polar...), and be sarcastic and cynical throughout the process.
Enjoy, and "Live, from Accident, Maryland, let the fun begin!"


Unknown said...

If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or my music, then in that respect you can call me that. I believe in what I do, and I'll say it.
John Lennon

Stephanie said...

Emily...where are the rest of the posts? C'mon, girl, you're slacking! :p

(The, erm, project hasn't been finished yet...having a hard time arranging the support of the rest of the seniors. Will keep you posted.)

Checking back often; tell us how you are!


E. Rosser said...

Nice quote, Paxton! I decided to add a quote every post, though that's a hard one to beat... Hope you like it, though. :)

mom said...

My favorite phrase is about the illiterate enjoying alphabet soup? A nice ponder it is!