After a particularly dismal Physics quiz the other day, a guy resolutely got up during recitation, grabbed a piece of chalk and scrawled "Physics is Depressing" on the board, then stomped out. the TA got up and added a " Awesome!" to the end. So is the general sentiment--powerful and permeating, and irrefutably installed. Just try to think otherwise, the 'Tvte seems to say, speaking through the thirteen ionic columns like so many jagged teeth. It yawns at you, the stench of so much sweat and so many devoured social lives roiling forth from its bowls. Leave me alone! you shout, trying to cover your head with your calculus book before you realize it's too heavy to lift. Why are you talking to buildings? the Dome asks back. You started it, Weirdo! you wail in reply. Your shoe's untied, the Dome says. Huh? says you. Made you look! the Dome chortles. Why must you always win? you sob. The Dome just smiles.

In other words, it's a little difficult. After a few late nights and early (enough) mornings, I'm beginning sense that I'm being beaten into submission. But alas, now that the mental abuse has become regular, I'm beginning to like it. And if that isn't Stockholm Syndrome, I don't know what is.
Enjoy your summers--Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, and worthless-writing-skills free.
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