So here I sit, broken hearted, trying to sleep but only f......finished my Humanities essay, that's what! (What were YOU thinking?) Down with humanities. I'm seriously tired of humans. If one comes near me on my long, lonely trek back to the dorm, I think I'll whip out the moves I saw in Batman the other night... Stupid humans. Them with their NINE PAGE essays. Humph.
Anyway, Batman was the best superhero movie I've EVER seen. I didn't like it for the fact that it was a superhero movie (those are usually quite daft), but for thematic stuff. There was way cool cinemetography, and the symbolism, and THIS GUY. See above. He may be dead, but he can sure wear his mascara. One of our Physics TA's is a little nutty^infinity about Batman (today's quiz: "If Batman jumps down from an h height onto a moving van with mass M in order to thwart the Scarecrow, with wind resistance Fr=bx..." you get the idea.) Tonight marks the third time he's seen the thing, and he's got IMAX tickets coming up. He's on a crusade (without a cape, incidentally) to get as many people to see it in its first week (ending Thurs.) as possible so it can beat out "Titanic" for highest-grossing first week. I sort of agree with him. Do you realize "Titanic" has had its ungodly reign of cheesy lines and historical inaccuracies for 10 years now!?!?! Something needs to be done to stop this injustice. This looks like a job for... (You say "Underdog," I keel you.) Dadadadadada, BATMAN! So yeah, go see "The Dark Knight," becasue it's worth it and "Titanic's" not.
So upcoming happy things include a Chem exam, Calc Homework, which if I don't start tonight I will have to do in its entirity tomorrow, despite the fact that it was given to us TODAY. Yeah, riddle me that...
Oh, yes, and I've discovered what is officially the best club ever. With the coolest name, too: The Assassin's Guild. What it is is a bunch of students, mostly from Random, who join up every Saturday night in the building where we have our classes. There they play "Patrol," a game that involves headbands and rubber dart guns and running and hiding and avenging and killing Shaymus five times. Shaymus and Bethany and I all skipped out of the Interphase social event we were supposed to be "enjoying" and went and joined the game of "Patrol." Devilry ensued. They have other games, too, some with plots like video games and some that have actual objectives. Those sounds sweets, preciousesese....
Well, as might be quite evident, I am
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