All in, mighty winds are blowing this spring.
Things I'm looking forward to:
- Spring Break--gawin a stay round herr and get my sand together. Is it sad that whereas most people think bikinis and sunshine y mucha cerveza,. I get excited about an opportunity to build things and start making course Bibles?
- Building a boat-- 4th WAR has decided that the blue plastic, SEARS shopping cart we stole from the basement would make a wonderful boat. How do we make it river-worthy? Wrap it in bubble wrap... It should work, according to Bernouli's equation, and we can get really fancy and even add a wee motor on the bottom.
- Publsihing Slander-- As secretary of Senior House, it is my primary duty to collect, organize, and publish SLANDER, a little booklet that comes out and brightens days during Finals Week by taking embarrassing quotes entirely out of context (My roommate: "It feels nice when I rub against it!"). Getting people to contribute a sufficient amount of material is the key.
- CPW-- The Senior House Zombie Defense Initiative is holding some workshops (boffer weapons, anyone?). Also, I might get a prefrosh, which helps with the whole generativity thing.
- Steer Roast-- Massive happy fun tyme.
- Covering realtivity in 8.022-- Okay, so I'm not in the class, but the lectures are flippin' brilliant, and worth the time. I've always wanted to learn about it, and what better context than a Fizix course?
- Building an underwater robot-- For an Intro to Engineering Design class. Our design is SCHWEEEET.
- Bouldering-- I'm registered for a PE class for indoor rock climbing. Learn to belay, climb every week, good stuffs.
- Helping in getting a tarantula-- Wilheim's parents said yes! He's planning to name it Morty.
- Free time to play more with SolidWorks-- Wait, what's free time? Oh, yes, Spring Break... (Happy thoughts... My version of palm trees and sarongs...)
I hope Mort is a hairy tarantula.
Yes, in fact, one of the cheapest and easiest to care for is called the Curly-haired. I think that's the kind Wilheim wants...
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